Build Date: Wed Sep 11 09:50:17 2024 UTC
Thanks for the free diagnoses, but I prefer my doctors to have more than two brain cells to rub to together. Some minimum education beyond grade school would be nice too.
-- Ratsnatcher
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Browse-o-MATICA, baybe! Enjoy the fine fruits of Pigdog Journal in ANY SEASON with this fabuloso DATUR-DRIVEN menuoscopy!
-tarded -- Some are good, some are bad, most people, however, are just -tarded.
After Action Reports -- Sometimes there is a survivor. These are their tales.
Almost Super -- I wanna fly like Superman, or something.
An Ethologist's Notebook -- Johnny Royale, Margaret Mead, what's the difference?
Anarchy -- Fuck shit up! Woo-haw! Anarchy and bad things and SMASH THE STATE, Baby!
Art Fux -- I don't know art, but I know what I fuck
Bad People -- The repository for Bad People of the Future.
Behold the Assman! -- Everyone's Favorite! The Assman! Hooray for the Assman!
Beverotology Today -- Understandizing the NOBLE SCIENCE of Beverotology to the masses and shit.
Brain-Dead Judge Watch -- ...because the law is not always on your side.
Broad View -- Miss Conduct views it all from a broad's perspective.
Broomfield: City of Crime -- There are a million stories in the naked city. These are some of them.
Burning Man Nonsense -- Nip the buds, Shoot the kids, Burn the Man.
Cackles of the Mad Reverend -- Weird ramblings from Reverend Cybersatan, recorded at random intervals
Coincidence? ...Or Enemy Action?
Consumers in Action -- Corporations suck, they're the tools of "the Man." Fight the Man.
Crackdown! -- I'm Gonna Git You, Sucka!
Crazy But True -- Life is crazier than fiction...
Crazy Ivan -- Ivan's crazy, we just want you to know that.
Creepy Crop Circles -- Yeah, we cover crop circles too.
Cuts of the Cards -- Bad Fortunes of the Future
Cyberbillies -- The new breed of hillbilly. Now with 20% more RoR in every bite!
Damn Ay-leens -- Learn about Ay-leens before they kidnap you and eat your brain.
Dining At The Deathwave Grill -- Recipes for the Pigdoggety homemaker
Encryption -- 01001001000100100101 10001010001
Fear du Jour -- What are you supposed to be afraid of this week?
Fishin' With Tjames -- Arrr! I'm a pirate! Come fish with me!
Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye! -- Obits
Hunter -- Fear and Loathing at the home of Gonzo Journalism.
JedCam -- See Jed. See Jed on the net. Jed Sanders, America's favorite and Web Warlord.
Journalists Gone Wild -- When the storyteller is the story.
Laughable Technology -- Technology created by marketing people or stupid engineers.
Liberty -- Use it or lose it.
Mmmm Mmmm Good -- Delicioso food! Beaujolais for fine food discussions!
Mocking Parade -- Celebrities that we laugh at.
Modesto, City of Crime -- It begins with Scott Peterson.
Monkey Business -- Apes, apes and more apes... from the little ones to the great ones.
Mozilla Annoyances -- Pesky, irritating things... and how to fix them.
Net Flotsam -- Miscellaneous shit from the Net.
Pao Tzu: On The Beat -- Pao Tzu's various musings.
Pigdog Journal -- We're so with it, we even report on ourselves... like anybody else would.
Power Corrupts -- Politics is an ugly business, which is what the Pigdog Journal does best.
Private Idaho -- Your own Private Idaho.
Quantum Deepfried Electro-Diddle
Scary Technology -- Everything you ever wanted to know about Scary Technology.
Slitting Your Juggler -- Learn how to handle life the late 1990's with the Juggle Vain.
Sludge -- Shit man
SnatcherWorld -- Git th' lastess cyber info'mashun an' direckshuns fum El Snatcher.
Space, the Final Frontier -- There is a lot of Space in the Universe. We talk about it sometimes.
Special Ideas -- Some ideas are good... some ideas are great... but these are Special Ideas.
Spock-o! -- Fascinating, I find this category highly logical.
Spocktail of the Week -- Kinda like cocktails, but more, uh, SPOCKISH
Substance Recreation -- Everything you ever wanted to know about Drugs!.
Texas $POWERTOOL Massacre -- "In this world, nothing is certain but death and Texas." -- Ben Franklin
The Busey Clan -- From bit parts to leading man... this family does it all.
The Compulsive Perspective -- Splicer Draws Out The Truth
The Green Goddess -- Liquor is quicker, but Absinthe makes you see funny things.
The Nekkid Truth -- Nudity, sex, and other random acts of love.
The Rollins-Shipley Crisis -- Everything you ever wanted to know about The Rollins-Shipley Crisis.
The World of Sport -- Bad People at Play
Too Punk To Fuck -- Punk Rock and shit
Treachery -- Beware the black helicopters!
Trumpocalypse -- Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.
Viva La Musica -- Doe Ray Me Far So La De Doe
Weblogs -- If life were a weblog we'd all know who touched us.
Weird Linux -- Crazy people doing crazy things with Linux.
What a Riot! -- Lots of bad people being bad together.
What's Happening in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan? -- What's happening out there? What a crazy place!
Would You Like Fetish With That? -- You think you got fetishes... check these people out...
Y2K Madness -- The world's gonna crazy in December... and we're here to cover it for you.
Another Nobel Prize-Winning Author Describes Drunkenness
This book won a Pulitzer Prize. Here's its famous paragraph on getting drunk... (More...)
'Why I'm pretty sure JD Vance had sex with a couch'
True or false? The answers await us in that magical land where all truths are revealed -- the internet. (More...)
In 2010 Dr. Cheng-Huai Ruan discovered a way to cause a patient with an abnormal heartbeat to get back into a normal rhythm by sticking a finger up the patient's ass. (More...)
WKRP in Cincinnati aired from 1978 through 1982. Howard Hesseman played Dr. Johnny Fever, a DJ from Los Angeles who was fired from his previous job for saying the word "booger" on the air. In the show Hesseman would do some dialogue, introduce a song, and start the song. You'd hear a few notes, but never the whole song. (More...)
SF Hippies Can't Get Their Act Together
The annual 420 Hippie Hill event in Golden Gate Park, where large crowds of hippies, wannabe hippies, and hippie poseurs drape themselves in tie dye t-shirts and gather on a hill on 4/20 to smoke weed, was cancelled this year because the organizers couldn't get their act together. (More...)
Mozart to be inducted into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame
Joining such hard-rocking inductees as Abba, Chet Atkins, Nat King Cole, and Neil Diamond, the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame is proud to induct Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. (More...)
40 Acres, a Mule, and a Crummy 90-Second Spot on Weekend Update
Consider the plight of the Black Man. The Black Man on "Saturday Night Live," I mean. Has there ever been a more pathetic thing than a token unredeemed for 28 years? Where is the NAACP when you really need them? (More...)
Paranoid Strippers & Psychotic Crack Dealers (Tales of Christmas Eve)
Christmas day, for the last 17 or so years has bored me. I find that the real fun and excitement always takes place on Christmas Eve. Every other year, it's the excitement of the metaphorical hunt instead of the kill. Otherwise, it's just plain bad craziness. (More...)
Skunk School -- Learn Why Not To Keep Skunks As Pets
There is an alarming trend in pet purchasing habits this fall. People inspired by the WWII film, "Life is Beautiful" -- the one with that annoying Italian guy -- are buying descented skunks by the millions. (More...)
The Deep Dark Underbelly of the Star Wars Myth, or Ramayana Remembered
It's a fact: Star Wars is a blatant plagiarism of an ancient Asian legend, and the long lines of devout Star Wars freaks are really unscrupulous Asian copyright busters. From Indonesia to Thailand to Nepal, videos are available for sale or rent before they're even released in the US and UK due to this nerdy camcorder-clutching bunch. (More...)
NASA's Mars missions keep blowing up and crashing, but dammit, when you reach for the stars you have to expect a few minor setbacks. Drink a toast to the men and women of NASA! Toast them with a Lost Probe mixed up with your own two (or three) hands! (More...)
Pigdog Journal's crack interview team gangs up on avant-garde Dutch musician SOLEX; bad craziness ensues. Yet another fabulous PIGDOG INTERVIEW. For REAL. (More...)