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The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.
-- Humphrey Bogart

Broomfield: City of Crime

There are a million stories in the naked city. These are some of them.

Pigdog Journal Articles


Mind-bending Braingames Torture Last Remaining Broomfield Survivors
Tossed and flayed on a hell-sea of crime, the last remaining residents of the blood-bathed mean streets of Broomfield, Colorado endure yet one more heinous torture flame from the furnace of crime: a mind-boggling scam game that toys with the victims' very understanding of right and wrong, up and down, death and very life. -- Mr. Bad


Desperate Measures Cannot Brake Broomfields Descent Into Anarchy
Faced with a brushfire disintegration of the moldy and tattered social fabric of their Beirut-like ur-city, Broomfield's desperate alderpersons took panicked measures to pull the urban motor home back from the cliff-edge of madness. Everyone said it wouldn't work -- and they were goddamned well right. -- Mr. Bad


Crime Wave Hits Broomfield
Thefts, car "accidents", inappropriate juvenile touching, assaults, domestic violence, and DUI's are just a part of everyday life in Broomfield. -- Baron Earl


Broomfield drops D.A.R.E.
In a surprise move, the crime-ridden city of Broomfield has decided to abandon the D.A.R.E. program, which teaches children about the evils of drugs. -- Baron Earl


Long Days and Deadly Nights in Broomfield
BROOMFIELD -- A siege-like atmosphere permeated the air in this strife-ridden Colorado city over the last week, as citizens, desperate to see a break in the non-stop string of senseless acts that have plagued the formerly quiet burg over the last several months, instead were treated to yet another series of bizarre, unexplainable and sometimes violent acts. -- Tjames Madison


Reality Crashes Down in Broomfield
A veritable shitstorm of biblical proportions engulfed Broomfield: City of Crime this week, as a quick glance at the latest Poilce and Fire log showed a rash of barbaric, hate-fueled gutter emotions running unchecked through the once-glorious and peaceful burg. -- Tjames Madison

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