Build Date: Wed Jan 15 09:30:37 2025 UTC

This made me laugh so hard that gin came squirting out of my nose. Oddly enough, I was drinking lemonade at the time.
-- doctor obnox son of a bitch

Bush Family Hijinx

Jenna! Babs! As the American electorate proudly clamors about liquor, lesbianism, and some wild Hollywood parties -- Pigdog Journal is there!

Pigdog Journal Articles


Babs and Jenna Go Hungry
Ahhh the Bush Twins. I remember when they were underage and overdrinking. Pissing off that fucking nut of a father they have. You know, that coke snorting, draft dodging, Constitution ignoring butthead who happens to the POTUS for the next four goddamn years. Jesus, how did that happen? Man, I’m depressed these days. -- JRoyale


My Big Fat Obnoxious President
Fox presents the ultimate, ultimate practical joke with their latest and greatest brainchild-- MY BIG FAT OBNOXIOUS PRESIDENT -- Lenny Tuberose


Noelle Snatched Underwear?
This time the Florida girl gone wild had apparently decided to knock over a Penney's, or at least snatch some underwear. In 1995 "Noell Bush" was caught, arrested, and sentenced to a $305 fine. The person arrested attended a boarding school where it's been confirmed that, yes, the governor's daughter was enrolled. "Noell" even has the same name and birthdate. -- El Destino

Offsite links shared by staff writers





George W. Bush hates you -- El Destino

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Benevolent Order of Nebraskans for Erection Reversal: Keep It Limp for Life (B.O.N.E.R. K.I.L.L.)!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
