Build Date: Mon Sep 9 08:50:06 2024 UTC

(if this is a hallucination i'm enjoying it immensely.)
-- rotten elf

Micro$oft Exposed

by JRoyale

1998-11-07 00:41:00

Ok, we admit it... we hate Micro$oft... with the passion of thousand exploding supernovas. That relentless march to a single OS controlled by the Boys in Redmond. Designed with but only one thing in mind - to line Bill Gates pockets with even more money - consumers be damned. But now M$ is running scared because of that the champion of Freeware - Linux.

Even CNN is reporting on the infamous Halloween document. Hell, they even got a picture of that stupid Penguin. All of this is not only good press for Linux, but means that Linux is finally being taking seriously by the main stream media. CEO's are finally gonna start hearing about it and asking their IT heads, "What is this Linux that's got Bill Gate's panties all in a bunch? do we need Linux?"

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

ATI! Because it kind of rocks.

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
