Build Date: Mon Sep 9 08:00:08 2024 UTC

Did you know I did a google search the other day for 'alcoholic programmers' and nothing came back??? Who are they trying to kid?
-- Mr. Bad

They're out to get you!

by Flesh

1999-08-23 09:47:21

Every now and then, you'll see them on some side walk corner. Member(s) of some group or organization with beliefs so out there, that you wonder out loud how many days it's been since they last took their medication. Beliefs like the CIA used telephones to control our minds, the Pope is a heroin kingpin, and so on. But what's really strange, is that some people give them money. And what do these nut do with the cash? Why they get internet access!

But in this modern age, you no longer have to rely on a walk down the street, a trip to your local chapter of The John Birch Society or even a search engine to find them. Your friends at Turn Left have taken pity on these deranged souls, and gathered them all up for you in "Sites From The Lunatic Fringe". Be forewarned viewing the links found on site may cause you to reach for the nearest bottle of 100 proof.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
