Build Date: Mon Sep 9 08:10:04 2024 UTC

Thanks for all the hard work you folks are conducting at SMRL. It has enhanced and certainly shortened my life.
-- Yehat

Trenchcoat Mafia, II: KMFDM

by Flesh

1999-04-23 00:45:00

Speaking of stupid mass-media fnords, it's turned up today that those bad kids in Little Town, CO -- the focus of every PTA member's lip-quivering fears and anxieties -- had a few albums by a German band known as KMFDM. Now the big news outlets are trumpeting that KMFDM had some kind of Nazi influence on these little creeps. But it's just a big load of King Bullshit!

See, KMFDM left Germany OVER A DECADE AGO to settle in Seattle. Not only that, but they are RABIDLY ANTI-NAZI. It's like blaming the B'nai B'rith for a racist killing -- it just doesn't make any SENSE.

Anyways, this is a good opportunity for us to point you over to check in with KMFDM (who broke up earlier this year) and check out some of their coolio musica. Tell them Pigdog sent you!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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