Build Date: Mon Sep 9 08:10:08 2024 UTC

Blech, secession is such a treasonous act.
-- Master Squid

Bush Lied

by JRoyale

2004-02-03 18:22:42

Really. He did. Bush lied. It is really that simple. And this wasn’t some little white lie about a blow job in the Oval Office. This whopper has cost America 500+ lives, a couple of hundred billion dollars, massive loss of trust from our friends and allies and there is no end in sight.


Now Bush wants to investigate how such an intelligence failure could happen. Well, that’s easy. When you ignore any data you don’t like and only listen to people that are telling you exactly what you what to hear... you’re getting a somewhat distorted view of the world. There was ample evidence presented to Bush that there were no WMDs in Iraq. But he didn't want to see it, or probably he just ignored it.

We have to hold Bush's feet to the fire on this. And one of the things you can do is DEMAND that Congress censure Bush. So hop on over to the good folks at and fill out their petition demanding the Congress censure this lying son of a Bush.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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