Build Date: Wed Dec 4 00:10:09 2024 UTC

We don't need brow sweating ogres like you coming on here, in a frenzy of chicken lust and cocaine jitters, attacking everyone like some kind of 400 pound, hopped up Truman Capote.
-- Ratsnatcher

Blond Bimbo Rapists

by El Snatcher

1998-12-14 23:42:00

Yes, men can be raped, it happens all the time... (see The latest female serial-rapists are the "VIAGRA RAPE SQUAD," a London band of blond bimbos who lure unsuspecting men up to hotel rooms, pump them full of Viagra and have their way with them while guzzling vodka straight from the bottle!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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E-sheep is like the best online site ever invented

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