Build Date: Mon Sep 9 09:00:07 2024 UTC

One man said it was getting towards the long days and the short nights now. T'other one said THIS warn't one of the short ones, he reckoned. And then they laughed, and he said it over again, and they laughed again...
-- Mark Twain

Pigdog Welcomes Mark Barton to Club Charles Whitman

by Flesh

1999-07-30 11:22:22

Just two days shy of the University of Texas Tower massacre anniversary, Atlanta Georgia's Mark Barton submitted his application for the most elite club in the world.

Yes folks, Mark has joined up with the likes of David Berkowitz, Those Crazy Colorado Kids (I still am on the outlook for a 'I went to Columbine and had a blast' T-shirt), and a handful of others that need not be mentioned.

Mark Barton decided that life sucked. But rather than just crawling into some hole and turning into dirt, Mark decided to make it a group tour into the afterlife, taking his second wife, two kids and nine people with him. At the time of this writing, his motivations are unknown. After all, he was your average chemist turned day trader. Normal people just don't do things like this.

But then again, Charles Whitman was an ex-marine, an Eagle Scout, and all around good guy.

It makes you wonder who'll be next to snap like a cheap rubber band.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Boy Howdy! That's some damn fine Pigdog!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
