Build Date: Wed Jan 22 01:40:12 2025 UTC

i want a machine gun. i want whoever is doing this to me to stand in front of it and suck it.
-- rotten elf

Hacker Chic

by Mr. Bad

2000-02-23 12:20:10

Man, it's all about the CRAZY HACKER CLOTHES! Wear lots of them, and then hack things real hard! Hack hack hack!

I gots to say, I dig this Jinx Hack Wear. I think I might be turning into a HACKER GROUPIE or something, because I'm crazy for hackers nowadays! I read Hacker News Network and Packet Storm and all that shit! Go, speed hacker, go!

I think what I dig about HACKER hackers is that they're not WHINEY, like Jargon File-style hackers are. Jesus, man, all you have to do is read some of the POOR POOR ME stories by Jon Katz of to get PHYSICALLY ILL with bad, dumb, wimpy JF-hackers. Everybody picks on geeks, and they are all sad.

Snap out of it, you fuckers! Go break things! Set off bombs! Keep the Man busy! Write EVIL SOFTWARE, not WHINEY POETRY!

Oh, so, anyways, Jinx Hackwear. It's got great stuff to wear when you are breaking into the COMPUTER CORE from a SUBWAY STATION and Penn Jillette is trying to stop you! You can be all cool in a "GOT ROOT?" T-shirt or a "CARPE NOCTUM" jockstrap or something. OK, I'm not sure if they have jockstraps or not, but it'd be cool if they did!

Go try on some HACKER CHIC! It's the next big thing! Really!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Celebrity endorsement impersonated

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
