Build Date: Tue Jan 21 12:10:30 2025 UTC

It's funny and Spockish, and it would make all the robots break when they see it! And then you would be king and you could make Harry Mudd go to hell.
-- ESP


Well, hell. He's BINKY.

Pigdog Journal Articles


Air Marshals Act To Reduce Medicare Costs
Reducing the Medicare rolls one nut at a time.


Cyberbilly, Discovery of
I just came across this coolio essay by Pigdog Journal Science Editor binky wedged between two staves in the back corner of the submissions barrel. It's on the origin of the cyberbilly and is definitely de rigeur for any serious student of this fascinating sociological movement.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Spam Assassin - a mail filter to identify spam

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
