Build Date: Wed Jan 15 08:20:39 2025 UTC

Yorgo the barman had a friend drive us to Zeitgeist where there was THE TAMALE LADY and I had tamales and chocolate and Guinness and rum and YOU ALL MISSED OUT ON THE GREATEST FUCKING NIGHT IN SAN FRANCISCO EVER AND I LAUGH AT ALL YOUR MISFORTUNES! That is, until tomorrow morning, at which point I will likely be in heavy Regret Mode.
-- Crackmonkey

Steve Dallas, Esq.

Volenti non fit injuria.

All biographical facts (the "Profile") about this author constitute confidential, proprietary, and trade secret information. readers (the "Dupes") may obtain a limited license (the "Screw Job") to view the Profile (but not to reproduce, paraphrase, discuss, or recollect the Profile) for a payment of five dollars and no/100 ($5.00 USD) per month for a minimum term of twelve (12) months beginning the month prior to viewing the Profile with an end-of-term payment of one hundred dollars and no/100 ($100.00 USD). Viewing the Profile constitues acceptance of the Screw Job, and your first payment is 30 days late.

Pigdog Journal Articles


The Cross Canadian Ragweed Red Dirt Roundup
Went to one of the only really enjoyable outdoor concerts I can remember (maybe I didn't enjoy it enough). The finest in dirty hillbilly music: The Cross Canadian Ragweed Red Dirt Roundup. For those ignorants, Cross Canadian Ragweed is a horrendous allergan in Texas, and it's also a band. In a great show of humility, CCR was the worst major act in their line up. Fortunately, they have talented friends.


The Liquor Freedom Indicator
Americans need to know who their friends are and now. That's been a tall order since long before Archie Bunker wondered what trick Nixon had up his sleeve pretending to make peace with the ChiComs. Our own State Department is standing proof that you can spend seven years at Georgetown, ace the Foreign Service Exam, and still not know your Assyrians from your asshole.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

We're not like the others.  We really hate you.

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
