Build Date: Wed Jan 15 09:10:22 2025 UTC

Guinness is Pigdog and Pigdog is Guinness.
-- Johnnie Royale

SDMI Head Says

by JRoyale

2000-10-16 02:27:46

Leonardo Chiariglione, head of the infamous SDMI Organization (boo hiss) when questioned about the Salon claim that SDMI has been completed hacked, says that "When a publication makes such a completely wrong, unfounded, anonymous slander, I think it deserves a very strong answer,"

Naturally, Mr Chiariglione, who was recently quoted saying "Fair Use is a concept of your country, not mine" did not provide a strong answer. Instead, his cryptic answer was that the SDMI techs had not applied ALL the hack against all 450 files in the contest. Therefore, no one knows whether ALL the SDMI proposed formats have been compromised - as reported by Salon late last week.

HAHAHAHAHA...I'm not sure what Mr Chiariglione is smoking these days, but if he thinks he's gonna make the obtuse and incredibly complicated SDMI format (whatever it turns out to be) replace the simple and dumb mp3 format - I'd like some too.

Anyway, here's Pigdog's original take on the hack.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Pure and simple as a hammer to the forebrain

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
