Build Date: Sat Feb 15 07:20:21 2025 UTC

Hey, Tjames, pull my virtual finger.
-- Johnnie Royale

Open Source Destroying America

by JRoyale

2001-02-17 02:41:35

... according to Microsoft's Jim Allchin, one of those "suits" that Microsoft employs to convince people that overpaying for software is now the "American Way".

First Microsoft claimed that Open Source was just a fad. Then Microsoft claimed that Open Source could never provide "quality" software. Then they attacked the support structure of Open Source, saying users would never be able to get answers to their questions or have their problems fixed. This time, however, unlike previous battles, Microsoft's FUD has been unable to convert the masses that mattered to their point of view. So now it appears that Microsoft has a new plan for attack... claiming that Open Source is "Un-American".

So as far as I'm concerned, if Microsoft can claim Open Source Software is un-American, then I can claim that Microsoft is desperate. That is only conclusion that I can come to after reading Jim Allchin comments. Seriously, I don't understand their strategy. As I see it there are three groups of people that are listening to this rant that Microsoft is trying to influence. The first two are those that buy Microsoft products... the geeks and the suits. If you have ever been involved in a budgeting cycle in a large company, when it comes to buying software, you know that sometimes the geeks make the decisions, and sometimes the suits do.

First are the geeks. The geeks have been in the software trenches and know just what kind of crap Microsoft is pushing all these years and that Open Source moves the power from the vendor to the client. Geeks like that. Geeks hate Microsoft... just as Microsoft has always hated geeks.

Next are the suits. The suits are only interested in money. They could give a shit about the American way. I mean look at two All-American companies... GE and Nike. Both have moved most, if not all, of their operations to low cost overseas countries. If Philip Knight and Jack Welsh are willing to take heat for transferring thousands of high paying American jobs to Indonesian serfs making 30 cents an hour, I think it is safe to assume that they give a crap about the U.S. and the American Way of life. Nor do they have any loyalty to Microsoft. They only have loyalty to money.

The third group that might listen to Microsoft message is the politicians. They at least pay lip service to the concept of the "American Way". But if you've been following the news for the past... oh say... five years, you know that Microsoft has been dragged to court numerous times for using less then All-American business practices. In fact, they are have been declared a monopoly and are currently under a court order to break up. They appealed, naturally, claiming that they need the "Freedom the Innovate". So, Microsoft wants the freedom the innovate.... err... without any Open Source competition. Yeah... I'd like that kind of freedom... I get to do anything I want and everyone else... well, they can't.

I think we can draw two conclusions from this little rant. First, Microsoft, the proprietary software dinosaur, is beginning to feel the jaws of economic evolution dig into its neck and is starting to panic. Second, unlike old economy companies facing their demise, (see Montgomery Wards), Microsoft won't be sliding into insignificance either quietly or with any dignity.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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