Build Date: Sat Feb 15 16:50:48 2025 UTC

EVERYTHING IS BETTER IN THE ASS. Cocaine, wine, coffee, nitrous (supposedly quite dangerous), sushi, "Little Mermaid" DVDs, cat food, Forth: EVERYTHING is better if you put it in your ass. Everything!
-- The Mighty Silverback

Pigdog Journal Second Annual Christmas Essay Contest SECOND PRIZE WINNER

by Ms.BunnyPenny

1999-12-26 14:00:16

Huzzah! A second prize winner in our fabuloso Pigdog Journal Second Annual Christmas Essay Contest! This one is from our VERY OWN Ms. Bunnypenny! Wee haw!

Check it! Ms. Bunnypenny PUSHES THE ENVELOPE on the Pigdog Journal Christmas Essay form, by using the magic of the GRAPHIC NOVEL to convey an important Christmas message to the nations of the world. It's also an homage to such great classics as Pokey the Penguin! Beaujolais! And a Mele Kalikimaka to you all!

A Very Squirrelly Christmas

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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Ever feel like you're not getting the whole story?

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