Build Date: Tue Jan 21 12:40:16 2025 UTC

This made me laugh so hard that gin came squirting out of my nose. Oddly enough, I was drinking lemonade at the time.
-- doctor obnox son of a bitch

Two months later and she's still with him.

by El Destino

1999-01-12 23:59:00

Despite the lack of new information about Kim Rollins, OmniGroup President and Founder Wil Shipley posted his 47th essay since November 15 documenting his recovery from the end of their nine-year relationship. But some readers aren't satisfied with Shipley's side of the story....

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

The vaults of EROWID - Psychoactive Plants and Drugs

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
