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Don't eat the Yak soup - it's not really Yak.
-- Johnnie Royale

Microsoft Contemplates Move to Canadia

by Baron Earl

2000-06-03 16:43:20

Pigdog journal scoops every old media source on the planet YET AGAIN. Pigdog reported rumors heard from sources close to Microsoft (over a MONTH ago) that the software behemoth might just move to Canadia. (Microsoft to Move to Canadia? 04/29/2000 by Baron Earl) Now old media sources are climbing aboard the Pigdog bandwagon, jumping on the story like a swarm of rabid maggots on a pile of rotting meat.

First the BBC hopped on the story. Then ABC News, the Dow Jones Newswires, and The UK Register each picked up on the news.

Even readers on Slashdot heard the story and ran with it.

Later reports on ABC News brazenly attempted to squelch the story. Reports that Microsoft is "Happy in Seattle", "Won't Cross the Border", and "Won't Move to Canada" are obvious attempts to downplay Microsoft's trump card against the Justice Department.

It just goes to show you that once again, if you want cutting-edge journalism and you're not too picky about accuracy, THE PIGDOG JOURNAL is YOUR source of information.

Editor's Note: "Canadia" is the proper spelling for a country where the people call themselves "Canadians". If the country's name was spelled "Canada," then the people there would call themselves "Canadans." Since they call themselves "Canadians", it's only reasonable to spell the name of their country "Canadia." After all, people from Germany don't call themselves "Germanians" do they?

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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