Build Date: Sat Feb 15 17:50:37 2025 UTC

If your 87 year old Aunt Edna all of a sudden started handing out fresh tabs of acid, would you complain about how embarrasing and un-hip Edna is with her rocking chair and Alzheimers n' all, or would you just shut up and enjoy this unexpected bounty...
-- Patient Joab

Weblog *PERFECT* Gar English Gar

by Mr. Bad

1999-06-15 08:52:00

I don't know why, but my writing has become completely incomprehensible lately. It's scary. So I've vowed to myself not to use any stars or all-caps or anything in this link. Oh, and is a Weblog. End of Blurb, begin article now.

For some reason Pigdog Journal got on somebody's list of Weblogs and now we get X-reffed from different Weblog lists all over the Web. I don't know why, cause we're not really all that Webloggety or anything. But these things happen and I'm not complaining because, hell, links, right? We like that.

Anyways, another site that always ends up on these lists is perfect. I don't mean the site is perfect, I mean the name of the site is "perfect." Dahoy. Roll with me here, people.

Perfect is the most abbreviated Weblog ever. Just links, without any explanatory text or pointers or blurbs or descriptions or what have you. You have to go click the links yourself to find out what all the hullabaloo is about in the first place.

But this is completely OK, because has got incredible links. They find the best of the best in beautiful and hysterical design all over the Web, and make links to it (the best). There are all kinds of wiggety Dutch and Japanese and English and European and like that links. Because foreign people don't talk so good so they have to make pictures instead.

Where am I going with this? Uh, dunno. But I liked and I think you will too.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

I want to kill bugs, sir!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
