Build Date: Fri Mar 7 02:40:34 2025 UTC

Does this mean you're gonna want your porno collection back?
-- Johnnie Royale

We Got Mail

by JRoyale

2000-10-11 23:13:51

We get a lot of mail here at the Pigdog Journal World Headquarters, Pub and Fortified Compound. We used to have the energy to put it in our mai l bag, but we're too lazy for that now. Mr. Bad blames the booze, but I think we're just getting old.

Cides, most of the mail we get is crap. People bitching about this or bitching about that. And Goddamnit, I for one don't really care who's bitching out there!!! If you don't like the PDJ, don't read it! It is that simple people! Especially you Canadians. Face it, we don't like you and you don't like us... so beat it and shut the fuck up!

Errr, sorry about that. Anyway, before that little rant, I was saying we rarely get any original mail these days... so we just toss all the incoming mail into the bit bucket. That is until this little note came it today. I'm really not sure what to make of it and neither does anyone else in the PDJ newsroom. But I figure it is original and damn if we don't need more content. So without further comment (or editing), a message from Kenji.

From: "Kenji Siratori"
Subject: publication request
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 13:51:34 +0900

  Kenji Siratori

Our machinary beat is twisted to the thinking space of earthworm $ is the digital nightmare invades the lonely of a cyber style murderous intention/the artificial sun and of dog to second period that becomes impossible/ ANDROID like-it is the record of death. I reproduced the noise that became full to the soul-machine malice that was closed! The matrix insanity medium of artificial intelligence the mad body fluid you that dashes it while broke God of et cetera-noise in the continent where it was done LOAD of body=OMOTYA our acme XX borg-picture that <> liquefied inheriteds/to the brain that is permitted think about TOKAGE randomly ant of hyper real murder=of which spreads=does the circuit..the absence that should stripped fear of the information that cut off of the nerve desire....was done mode/the miracle of an ant. The wave of gene=TV that is flooded and despaired. Body that was processed our high speed scans the emotion of immortality it is jointed-I sew the love/ of the asphalt that began to circulate to the right brain area=radical of the reproduction quality of the cadaver city the loss-evil of road so and <> gets deranged, like the vital body that was restrained to the humanistic strictly/ Syndrome that did the mimicry to the speed of the larva- Our brain inoculates hyper real binary of 1, internal organ consciousness....I rape the soul-machine like a dog/ contempt of the gene that the body collision homosexual sexual picture of an emotional rep... was distorted is observed and the vinyl........suck=blood chromosome in the hybrid cadaver brain last term that does it mode....just as everything impossible to "so the world where it was input it does XXX" the larva of the nerve of OKAMA~LOAD) or era is respired to the sensitive bombardment of noise. The survival=fuck of the cyber meditation dog of malice (it was jointed cold-blooded disease animals of monotonous with the digital tragedy crash-vital-condom chromium sound of the love city of the asphalt that became too much like the electronic circuit that run away be going to be infected/ the tactile sense of the cold-blooded disease that resolves [heart] of a boy it comes off~it does instantaneous, machine=angel in the last term....I change the is the body of rave of the ant that was inserted to the love of you fuck. The picture I murder sun of melody that was synthesized. Worst narcolepsy! It is inside the technology of the nerve that was repaired to the digital of that dashes and splits it. Apoptosis


Creature â…¹ pill grief picture machine=trap mad-SEX iteration so sun and ill-treatment chromium....DIGITAL=intermediate meat medium dorugy scratching fixed point none mental invader direction picture rape depressing sadistic-body fluid control. PUSH!--The pure reaction, word of the body that are electrified to the condom in the machinary opening department of bible....TOKAGE of the awakening where it deleted/ it inheriteds+I am lost in wild fancies of the artificial sun to the brain that clone boys were used to striking/ it is the error of the plant that expands a device....the volume of the ganglion, requiem of the machine=angel that were set up. In the suffering that was cut....larva level ---electron distortion" The control external renewal done invaders who the clone boys who operate with the monotony like online....ANDROID of the murderous intentions that touched on a nude soul-machine record the direct revelation of the internal organ consciousness/ of the dog that do noise along the mechanical crease of the womb sensor monochrome darkness that be parasitic. With the surface of the brain universe that I was raped=think about! God of et cetera....we link the organ that intertwines intensively it is without observing the hearing that was snatched. is replicated........FUCK TV

latency of the electric:=murderous intention

To the wolf=space that was done junk the wreckage of the future sexual wild fancy city that spreads--the terror of clone boys covered that "nude" radiate heat/ the infinite eyes of the dog that crowd to the sun of the storage loss....we who it was done LOAD there the beat becomes unknown so occurs, brain universe broke the record impossible miracle escapes savagely to the desire of the body mechanism of the machine=angel has become and incubate certain speed to the medium of a dog the dog of you surrender.... Doll+ The murder of the crime X brain picture that was distorted by the simplistic love of the worldly consciousness/ TOKAGE of clone boys digests the dog of the continent the the brain that is nude and become savage is is the high speed virus of the meat number called our meat that was jointed to worldly desires machine of the body without the requiem. Your murderous intention rebellion letter heart reverse=evolution. Our brain inoculates hyper real binary of 1, internal organ consciousness....I rape the soul-machine like a dog/ contempt of the gene that the body collision homosexual sexual picture of an emotional rep... was distorted is observed and the vinyl........suck=blood chromosome in the hybrid cadaver brain last term that does it mode....just as everything impossible to "so the world where it was input it does XXX" the larva of the nerve of OKAMA~LOAD) or era is respired to the sensitive bombardment of noise. Deoxyribonucleic acid of the night ant of the medium that the sunspot of the acme that the brain of our speed machine cyberBuddha was punctured do the pupil of mimicry you of the intuition of gene=TV that occupied the swift body tissue of ANDROID mode to the murder of SEX0 amplifies the language procurement of the cadaver city...." the body=OMOTYA storage of possible chaos our picture=borg-love of resuscitation lobotomy you that does grief and breakdown reflein strongly....


Input to the brain universe of you! God of et cetera it is external the control of love so and <> the gel of the cold-blooded disease animals that was invaded and was penetrate the immortality that does it overflow--converge for/ be the gimmick. -- The insanity far smile that the melody chromosome that the gene of exceeded do the word that emit forms the crease of our body to, the medium that resolved a vital chloroform self-containing rotation ceremony-the air of the drug embryo where invades to be road or cadaver that purifies a crimson pupil/ the zone of an ant is respired with the court rank of an uncertain nightmare/ peace of is the lever of despair. I escape from the device of the love that caused the future dimension error of the ADAM doll that was adsorbed to our murder organ state=soul-machine vital=of=it is second. And the identification of clone is committed our nerve=drive--negative storage that caused the horizon of the awakening-consciousness of the cadaver city to the machinary ark of a body converged so electric charge by gene=TV of the clone boys that does it suck=blood--it is the hyper realness of the desire that stiffens to grotesque and cut to the absence of the consciousness of an artificial ant the murderous intention DIGITAL=sponge fear that artificial sun dog was constructed. It makes it the orange silicone that break down BODY of the drugy-procurement, ADAM doll of the nerve from the tip of the control in the sun that was shut like a soul-machine like the brain of the surrender/ dog of the electron theory the emotional rep...s....channels of the demand-control deficiency of the embryo that sleeps our plug=....cadaver of the detestation brown spot that was turned our hand and foot that contaminates it to the cracking of the monochrome nightmare that does the mimicry! Machinary....switches of the those larvas Hypothesis Decay=letter parallel migration It is to love the HYPE-nerve system of the rotor machine=angel of the massacre. The pupil that clone boys confused is paralyzed to the blue great resistance of the sky that cancels the contamination of a body and program the worldly desires of the sleeplessness of an ADAM doll infinitely to an emotional maze...." it does the night sky of the loop desert of callous respiration perplexity and dash it ruins to output randomly. .... The region of a null=digital-crisis is send back is [the junkie of a nightmare spam picture geometrical=murderous intention....that disillusionment hypnosis under post piece letter gene. The enlightenment that dog was committed!? The zone of the face that our soul-machine became full of the hatred of the gene manipulation that exceeds the crash of the impulse/ pupil like the ant of the emotional rep... that secreted. The picture of the machine=angel that was recorded and was supplement nude the gauge of the murder engineering/ target fuck sleep of the sun inside--it did the vital body that held the suspicion vamp! There is come code---toxic done of a collapse and and also of gravity by the gram of a dog it inheriteds. +The rape-system of information]] <>> it contracts and revolve around........


The distortion of the nerve. The digital breakdown person of the small ADAM doll........desire who eats lost emotional tip that does a grief brown spot scribe=the doughnut that was eroded the ant state wiper of a pill to the electron so! Many of the screams that fell impossibly the control of the womb area machine were caused-it is the simplistic vaio-peep piece letter inside like ANDROID which hardens plug=0880 of the guidance of the soul-machine that the future scrap/language is inverted the tragedy of the chloroform that obeys the monochrome-medium of the pituitary that contaminates swum! Contact The circuit/our FUCKNAM=genome=area soul-machine of meat it, <> "the vital icon are cramped to the love of insomnia! To the scar that grief was betrayed....toy with the shabby pituitary of the electron=fly/ I split her chromosome-it is the larva of the screen. Rep... emotion records the thin terror of the drug embryo that does suck=blood/ I invade to the fabrication of that is a number! Pill form nightmare the childish war diagram of our body=OMOTYA........" beat powders Artificial sun eternal and impossible parallel-breakdown person.... Wipe! .... Output crime system of the lonely masses of flesh that our pupil concrete=cadaver program deoxyribonucleic acid machinary intention of you links/ Self ruinous nervous system of the ADAM doll that intelligence floats to the independent position of the sun that is ill-treated/ To the malice of the clone boys that was done the digital=vamp....the HIGHWAY-HIGHWAY-HIGHWAY-HIGHWAY-brain cell that the control of the hand and foot of a channel....artificial ant is lost to the digital whisper I input=original form murder of the dog that was cut off "the function" of the skin tissue/ that was paralyzed the genome surrender of the angel=....body that does it scribe the meat called the meat that <

"....It video-tapes and analyzes the look of the XX girl that the air of the....cadaver input/piece ladder sneer cell shut down....the aerofoil.... control of the brain micro=murder person of the desert that makes deep of it to the cosmic picture of an ADAM doll is only" the drip in a second that does it suck=blood merely.


Kenji Siratori biography:
It is a birthplace in 1975. At present, it is making Japan a position. The propelling device of the next generation vision. I am devoting the work to" reality that was risked by symbolic violence".
current work: (*spark-online) (a Room without Walls by Ted Warnell) (Tar Media Productions)

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

I want to kill bugs, sir!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
