Build Date: Sat Feb 15 16:10:39 2025 UTC

Besides, the NRA are a bunch of liberal commie pinkos.
-- Master Squid

Looking for Cardamom Ginger? Don't look here!

by Miles Standish

2000-05-05 17:31:29

I am devoted to thwarting any attempts to find out anything about Elettaria Cardamomum. Pokey the Penguin, on the other hand, is just a weird cartoon.

I have no idea what is up with these people. It's a cartoon about a penguin, in Antarctica. About half the text is crossed out. It has no plot continuity, the English is questionable at best, and it's drawn hastily on bitmaps using Microsoft Paint and a lot of cut-and-paste...

...and yet I am drawn to it.

I love it. It is beautiful.

So, if you've happened across this page looking for information about cardamom ginger, STOP LOOKING FOR CARDOMOM GINGER IMMEDIATELY AND GO VISIT THE POKEY THE PENGUIN SITE. Boy fuckin' howdy, you'll be glad you did.

If you are one of the people who came to Pigdog looking for something other than cardamom ginger, I don't know what to tell you. I'm really sorry. Um, try to think of reasons why you might want to find information about cardamom ginger, and once you're psyched about it, come back. Thanks.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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