Build Date: Wed Jan 15 00:00:16 2025 UTC

Liquor is God's holiest gift to us.
-- Joseph S. Barrera III

Ins and Outs for the Year 2001

by Mr. Bad

2000-12-31 19:40:03

Whew! I bet you were worried Mr. Bad wasn't going to give you guidance for WHAT'S HOT and WHAT'S SNOT in the year 2001, weren't you! Hahaha! Oh ye of little faith! Mr. Bad will never, ever let you down. Trust in Mr. Bad to give you lists of futurist predictions and shit! Because that is what Mr. Bad does. He makes lists. That is his job.

Fun Saver disposable camerasferrets
Mork and Mindy lunchboxesMork and Mindy sleeping bags
MP3 radio stationsBoontling
Personal Digital AssistantsGigantic refridgerator-sized spaceship-running killer AI bots
Po BronsonLawrence Durrell
MentosThe Devil Dolls
R. U. Siriusedible underwear
American SpiritsNatural Blend
dot-comsshit disturbers
juggs and hootersbig luscious black butts
cyberpornracy sidewalk chalk drawings
distributed denial of service (DDOS)distributed denial of freedom (DDOF)
The WebFreenet
biscuits and gravybed-time stories
Captain and TeneilleJust the Captain (No Teneille)
Drum and bassswing dancing
SisqoRoosevelt Franklin
keffiyarazor wire
Raquel DarrianDevon
having babiescloning
Jimmy CarterSubcomadante Marcos
"Pirates of Penzance""The Mikado"
data havensmonoliths
hands-free cell phonesOK, I can't keep a straight face about the swing dancing one. Swing dancing is NOT coming back in. EVER. Sorry to mislead you, but it seemed funny at the time.
benzinethe right-hand rule
sarcasmharm reduction
corndogsvitamin E lotion
Alan GreenspanAbby Hoffman
The 70sbetel nut
"Barely Legal""Virgins"
home friesfruit cup
NewspapersMessenger pigeons
new restaurantsOriginal Joe's
scootersslutty Republican chicks
weapons of WesternesseChaotic weapons
Zen buddhismasian thumbs

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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