Build Date: Sat Feb 15 08:00:37 2025 UTC

Remember "I" before "E", except in Budweiser.
-- Unknown

Beyond DVD

by Baron Earl

2000-03-06 22:58:09

You've just installed a DVD burner and you think you're cutting edge? You think a 17GB disc is a lot of room? HA! FMD-ROMs are on the horizon, cramming 140GB onto a disc the size of a CD-ROM.

140GB is enough storage for 20 hours of porno movies!

Or 300,000 scat GIFs!

You could store more than half a million USENET messages telling you how to Make Money Fast!

This disk is so big, you could fit EVERY SINGLE VERSION OF THE NEIMAN MARCUS / MRS. FIELDS COOKIE RECIPE CURRENTLY ON THE INTERNET PLUS each and EVERY version of the introductory story about how the author got ripped off, AND you could include a copy for every rip-off amount from $2.50 all the way up through $2,501.52!

What are you waiting for? Get yours while supplies last!

... and if you want to get rid of that useless old DVD-burner, you can always mail it to Baron Earl, c/o Pigdog, and I'll be sure to find it a good home.

Thanks to Sam Uzi for the URL.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Leading the psychedelic renaissance

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