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In another way, it's really cool. I don't know what that other way is, except it involves being really drunk.
-- Mr. Bad

Marilyn is WRONG!

by El Destino

1999-01-09 15:01:00

Cranks attack Parade Magazine! Which side are you rooting for?

I hate Parade magazine. Hell, who doesn't?

But you know who's even more annoying? That Marilyn vos Savant. If, by some fluke, I received the highest score ever recorded for an IQ test, I think I could apply my intelligence more productively than writing a column for Parade magazine.

And so does Herb Weiner...

The "Marilyn is Wrong!" site compiles errors detected in the Parade columnist's works. The old brain-teaser about natives? Marilyn is wrong! The probability of male children? Marilyn is wrong! Fermat's last theorem? Excluding Andrew Wiles non-Euclidean geometry was wrong!

Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!

On and on go the rollicking corrections.

"Marilyn can't explain why it's dark at night!"

"Marilyn is mistaken about clouds!"

Weiner even offers a collection of Marilyn vos Savant-related links! Monty Hall vs. Marilyn vos Savant. Marilyn vos Savant on the "Bad Science" page. Who does she think she is....?!

Weiner's site has gained attention from numerous web figures, including USA Today's site-picker, Scott "Dilbert" Adams -- and Marilyn vos Savant's attorneys.

And what does Marilyn vos Savant herself think of the web site? According to Weiner, "Rich Morin, of the Washington Post, reports that Marilyn considers this web site "a little creepy."

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

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