Build Date: Mon Sep 9 07:30:06 2024 UTC

But that was pretty cool how Steven Segal faxed for help using his Newton on that hijacked train in "Under Siege 2." You never know when you might need something less conspicous than a laptop.
-- Ratsnatcher

Western Civillization, Meet Mr. Flushing Toilet

by Flesh

1999-08-04 21:04:02

I consider myself a very open minded person. What two or more consenting adults want to do is their own business. And what a person chooses to fantasize about -- hey it's not hurting anyone, right? However, this not only crosses the line, it's 400 miles into the land of sickening, stomach-churning bad taste.

Forget twisted. Forget healthy perversion. This is just plain SICK. I speak of the genre known as "Erotic Horror" (as they call it). But don't let the name fool you.

You see, when I think of "erotic horror," things like Dracula, Anne Rice, or Clive Barker come to mind. That is "erotic horror." What I DON'T consider "erotic horror" are fantasies of people being shot, stabbed, asphyxiated, killed, and just plain ol' fucking the dead. And I'm really floored by the fact that there's enough people out there to justify more than one web site devoted to this.

Face it: if you are sporting wood, or getting wet over these types of fantasies, it's time to turn off the computer and get some help -- fast.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Burn them ALL! ALL of THEM!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
