Build Date: Fri Mar 7 03:10:30 2025 UTC

we are being too nice. i miss nastiness and perversion.
-- rotten elf

GAR - More Bad People of the Past

by JRoyale

2000-05-09 00:01:02

This is so Bad People of the Past it just makes me sick to my stomach. Like this country/world doesn't have enough problems without dumbasses like these running around loose.

Why people feel the need to express themselves by burning crosses in others lawns is beyond me. That sort of hate just doesn't compute and it just doesn't make sense. How anyone can read the bible and come up with that it is OK to hate someone because of the color of their skin? Hopefully, the police will find the perps and expose them to the public media flogging they deserve for being such jackasses.

What these jackasses need is a new hobby - like surfing for porn on the Internet, drinking or reading the Pigdog Journal... Handbook for Bad People of the Future. Of course, those are my hobbies... but it does keep me off the streets.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S


C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
