Build Date: Mon Sep 9 09:40:07 2024 UTC
Anyone who doesn't walk lockstep arm-in-arm with YOUR way of loving your government, you label as some sort of NATO spy.
-- Tjames Madison
Government Shutdown as Rabid Bats Swarm Northern Mexico
1999-06-07 21:24:10
AUGH! Rabid bats are swarming over the villages and towns of Northern Mexico, carrying away infants in their dripping septic jaws!
The Mexican news agency UPI reports that LOTS of people have been attacked by these flying rodents of the night! The bastardly mammals -- no better than squirrels, in this reporter's opinion -- have SHUT DOWN the bustling economy of Northern Mexico, turning it into an arid wasteland of BAT FEAR!
The horrendous androphagic bats thrive in the SWELTERING HEAT! It causes their bacterial BRAIN infections to fester and DRIVE THEM MAD with HATE! It does not take a BAT BIOLOGIST to know that humans will be the losers in this DIABOLICAL EQUATION.
The crazed flesh-eating bat situation is so horrific that the Mexican government has SEALED OFF THE AREA. But will that be enough? Can the HOT RABID BATS of MEXICO be stopped? Or is this a potential KILLER BEE situation requiring the FULL FORCE OF THE UNITED STATES MILITARY to stave off MEXICAN BLOODBAT BLITZKRIEGS throughout the American Southwest?!?!
Only time will tell. Keep your eye on this bat thing, folks.
Another Nobel Prize-Winning Author Describes Drunkenness
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SF Hippies Can't Get Their Act Together
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Mozart to be inducted into the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame
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Three Days and 25 Spocktails: A Cautionary Tale
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I just came across this coolio essay by Pigdog Journal Science Editor binky wedged between two staves in the back corner of the submissions barrel. It's on the origin of the cyberbilly and is definitely de rigeur for any serious student of this fascinating sociological movement. (More...)
You need to make a fruity tropical drink and you have no recipe? Here's a mix recently tested by Pigdog's crack bevertology team that's made with ingredients available from most any grocery store. It tastes sweet, fruity, and is perfect for guzzling on the last hot days of summer. (More...)
Brother Wayne Lays Down the Truth
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