Build Date: Mon Sep 9 09:00:09 2024 UTC

I quit drinking, and then I lost my car, and my house, my girlfriend and my job and my self respect. Now I'm homeless, unemployed, riding public transpo, broke, unloved and suicidally depressed, but you know what? today I don't have to drink.
-- Splicer

This Tiger Don't Take Shit

by JRoyale

2001-02-22 10:04:21

We've done a lot of Animal Rampage stories on the PDJ.

Normally, it is just some four-legged creature suffering from low self-esteem that decides to bite the hand that feeds it. Most have mental problems and suffer from depression and obviously need psychiatric care. Occasionally, there is some deeper more dangerous conspiracy that triggered the attack... like with squirrels and sqrats and Ayleens and stuff.

But in this animal attack I got no sympathy for the now ex-zookeeper. Trying to shit on a tiger is even dumber then trying to pull its tail.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Imagine no religion --  Freedom from Religion Foundation

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
