Build Date: Wed Feb 12 10:31:18 2025 UTC

Isaac Asimov's still dead, right? He would have probably just used an analogy involving Tinker Toys and slices of individually wrapped cheese and I would be perfectly content.
-- Tjames Madison

Flakes Deserve To Vote, Too

by Mr. Bad

1998-11-03 00:00:00

So, ironic as it is, one of the few places in this ugly world that bad people's voices can be heard is in the voting booth. Go in today and vote for bad people with horrendous agendas. Vote for evil people so society collapses faster. Or vote for good people so that everyone knows that we exist. But, ESPECIALLY, vote on propositions and initiatives -- corrupt and evil as they are, this is the embryo of direct democracy. If you flaked hard and don't even know where your polling place is, go to SmartVoter and find it, eh?

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Pure and simple as a hammer to the forebrain

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
