Build Date: Fri May 17 12:10:07 2024 UTC

Kansas City scares me.
-- mediavore

Tender Little Baby

by Baron Earl

2002-09-26 19:34:46

"We need a crock pot for a home birth," is how the ad started "and we don't want to buy a new one. Willing to trade, pay money, or we will gladly take a free one! Baby due November 11th. Thanks!"

Now I suppose if you let a baby cook all day long in a crock pot it would be tender and mild, just like baby Jesus in that song, but do you really want to go around advertising the fact that you want to eat your own young?

Or maybe they just want to make some placenta stew?

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S


C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
