Build Date: Tue Dec 3 23:50:13 2024 UTC

I guess that leaves killing Hare Krishnas as the only vice I've got left. Funny, because no one's been on me to kick that habit.
-- Bill Hicks

Babs and Jenna Go Hungry

by JRoyale

2004-11-19 16:11:11

Ahhh the Bush Twins. I remember when they were underage and overdrinking. Pissing off that fucking nut of a father they have. You know, that coke snorting, draft dodging, Constitution ignoring butthead who happens to the POTUS for the next four goddamn years. Jesus, how did that happen? Man, I’m depressed these days.

However, it seems, I’m not the only upset by the recent election results. Jenna and Babs tried to catch a bite at Freemans, a NYC restaurant and they and their Secret Service bodyguards told that the Freemans was full and would be for the next four years. And get this...the restaurant patrons cheered and did a round of shots. I wished I’d seen it. Sure, this is a small, meaningless victory, but hell, at least we are fighting back.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

Spock Statues for America!

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