Build Date: Sat Feb 15 08:10:33 2025 UTC

My new favorite radio station for tonight is Energy 103.4 in Berlin.
-- Ratsnatcher

Mr. Bad, Arkuat, Thom Stark, and Baron Earl

The four-headed beast of the apocolypse.

Pigdog Journal Articles


Free Dmitry Sklyarov - March on Adobe!
Dmitry Sklyarov wrote a clever piece of software which showed that the encryption system used by Adobe software doesn't protect anyone's confidential information. Rather than fix the problem with their software Adobe chose to have Mr. Sklyarov arrested under a provision of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, which makes it a crime to demonstrate flaws in copyright protection schemes.

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

E-sheep is like the best online site ever invented

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
