Build Date: Sat Feb 15 06:10:27 2025 UTC

Why should ANYONE around here feel in awe of "Fight Club?" Fuck "Fight Club."
-- Mr. Bad


Non Sum Qualis Eram Bonae Sub Regno Cynarae

Cynara, a dowager duchess-in-exile, considers herself quite undressed unless decked with large diamonds and small lap-dogs. She bears with grave beauty the scars of her scandal-haunted past.


Offsite links shared by the author


How to Mark a Nuclear Waste Disposal Site For the Next 10,000 Years
'Images of dangerous emanations and wounding of the body.'


Flags of the World, Judged and Found Wanting
It may come as a surprise, but "there is no international body responsible for upholding simple standards of vexillilic aesthetics."


Keep Parents Off The Internet!
We must keep pornography out of the hands of our parents! (A snorfle-worthy Shockwave.)


Meme Scanner
Test your meme infection!

Over.  End of Story.  Go home now.

T O P   S T O R I E S

I want to kill bugs, sir!

C L A S S I C   P I G D O G
